Scavenger Hunt

Mathematical Nature Scavenger Hunt Friday 22/05/20 This cross-curricular fun activity celebrates BIODIVERSITY DAY today. It is great way to get children excited about maths and nature. Children will have to look for certain materials found in nature, count them, record their results and communicate their mathematical thinking. By bringing

2020-08-25T09:19:30+00:00|Categories: Primary, Resources|

Maths Trails For Teachers

Maths Trail Ages: 4-12 years Materials: paper, pens Time: 1-2 hrs Complexity: easy to mid-level “A maths trail consists of a sequence of stops along a pre-planned route on which students examine mathematics in the environment” Rod Cross, Developing Maths Trails, 1997 A maths trail will help to highlight the varied uses

2024-08-20T14:50:29+00:00|Categories: Uncategorized|
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