Art, Colouring and Craft

D24 – Origami Hat

Christmas Hat Origami Back to Advent Calendar Christmas Hat Origami Back to Resources Start with square paper and follow the instructions. Use a paper coloured on one side, or use a plain white one and colour it later. Use a large square to

Alive for Christmas

Alive for Christmas Description Everyone knows... at night during Christmas toys always come to life... Ready to make the magic happen? Materials Chatterpix (free app) Apple: Google: Instructions Download Chatterpix app. Find an object or toy you would like to animate. Open the app and click “take photo”.

Snowflake Geometry

Snowflake Geometry Description Did you know that it's possible to “let it snow” by cutting a folded piece of paper? Prepare your imaginations, paper sheets, scissors...and a bit of geometry too - to see the magic happen. Materials Paper Scissors Marker Ruler Instructions Draw and cut a simple shape on

D5 – Pixel Colouring

Pixel Colouring! Back to the calendar Pixel Colouring! Back to Resources Help the elves finish their mural. Do the maths, drag the correct colour and the picture will be revealed. Use the 'Check' button to verify your answers. Download a paper version at


Mary Boole's Curve Stitching ADD TO TEN Skill: addition, counting, stitching, patience Resources: template, wool, plastic needle , [cardboard and pen for making the holes] Activity: This is a simple but long activity that will combine maths and art; thinking and stitching. Use additions of 10 to connect the right holes with wool and

D23 – Craft3

Reindeer Headband Back to Resources Get ready and dress up for Christmas with this reindeer headband! It is important to print the template onto heavy card otherwise the antler will not stand up or glue template onto cornflake boxes for reinforcement. An adult should help to cut out the template,

D18 – Craft2

Christmas Bauble Back to Resources Follow the instructions to draw a Christmas bauble. Make a small hole with a needle to pass the thread through if you want to hang it up! (Ask an adult for help) We will love to see your Art! Tag us on our social. Download

D11 – Craft

Santa Origami Back to Resources Start with square paper and follow the instructions. Use a paper coloured on one side, or use a plain one and colour it later. We will love to see your Art! Tag us on our social. Download a paper version instructions at the bottom of the

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