The Maths of Crowds! with Aoife Hunt gallery
he Maths of Crowds! with Aoife Hunt
he Maths of Crowds! with Aoife Hunt
Andrew Jeffrey at PWC Belfast
Skill: counting, problem-solving Resources: Printed booklet Activity: This Maths Week Activity Book contains riddles, mazes, code breakers, picture equations, word puzzles and more! Enjoy doing maths with this fun and colourful activity booklet in English or Irish, thanks to the collaboration between Fingal Libraries and Maths Week Ireland. A space has been left at the
Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral receives Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Maths 20th October 2022: Maynooth University’s Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral has been honoured as this year’s recipient of the Maths Week Ireland Award for his contribution to Raising Public Awareness of Maths. The award is presented
Maths Week Ireland takes place from 15 th – 23 rd October 2022 Thursday 22 nd September 2022: Maths Week 2022 was today launched by Minister for Education Norma Foley TD. Now in its 17 th year, the all-island festival of maths and numeracy kicks off on Saturday 15 th October
Over 400 young people across the island of Ireland came together to open their Maths Eyes, in a competition for Maths Week which challenged participants to look at their surroundings and the world around them in a new and creative way. A final cohort of 22 shortlisted winners were selected by