Douglas Buchanan Why DCBEAGLE?

Why DCBEAGLE? I became a deputy head at the age of 25 and kept that status for most of my career. I was always called Deputy Beagle by my colleagues and so with the combination of the nickname, my initials (DCB) I created the title of DCBEAGLE.

2024-06-04T15:20:39+00:00|Categories: Adult|

Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral receives Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Maths

Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral receives Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Maths 20th October 2022: Maynooth University’s Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral has been honoured as this year’s recipient of the Maths Week Ireland Award for his contribution to Raising Public Awareness of Maths. The award is presented

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