Minister Foley joins Maths Eyes celebrations
Over 400 young people across the island of Ireland came together to open their Maths Eyes, in a competition for Maths Week which challenged participants to look at their surroundings and the world around them in a new and creative way.
A final cohort of 22 shortlisted winners were selected by judges for their mathematical awareness and integration of maths concepts into everyday life. The competition culminated in an awards ceremony which took place Thursday 2nd June in Technological University Dublin with awards bestowed to winners, by Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD.
During the presentation at the 10th year of the Maths Week Have You Got Maths Eyes competition, Minister Foley remarked on the importance of opening your mathematical eyes to the world around you, appreciating its beauty and usefulness.
The ‘Maths Eyes’ initiative was first developed by Dr Terry Maguire in 2003 to support and foster positive conversations around maths, linking education and community. In life, people often regard the mathematics they use every day as common sense and the tasks they cannot do as mathematics. The Have You Got Maths Eyes competition led by Dr Terry Maguire, National Forum for Teaching and Learning and Ciaran O Sullivan, TU Dublin challenges this misconception, and takes place each year in partnership with Maths Week, TU Dublin and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Dublin West Education Centre.
The Maths Eyes team congratulated all those awarded prizes for their commitment to developing their own maths eyes and paid tribute to the teachers, parents and guardians who supported them. They are also delighted regarding the recent work with the NCCA developing resources for the new maths curriculum so that it could include a focus on using maths eyes. They are also excited with work being done at the moment to present the many resources and images that have been accumulated over the 10 years of Maths Eyes competitions into an easily searchable format on the Maths Eyes website that will help people develop their Maths Eyes int a more complete way.
This year’s competition will kick off during Maths Week 2022, which is taking place 15 – 23 October. The festival founded in 2006 by Calmast STEM Engagement Centre based in South East Technological University, promotes a ‘Maths for All’ ethos and encourages a positive attitude towards maths for all ages and abilities. It helps to foster a society that values the understanding, power and beauty of maths, and its impact on our world.
A special thanks to all participating students, teachers and families as well as the organising team and contributors Ger Reilly, Ferdia Bridgeman, Nigel Orr, Noel Whelan, Michael Carr, John Keogh, Paul Robinson, Aisling McGlinchey, Chris Hills, Nollaig Healy, Ryan McGivney, Kayleigh Foran, Sheila Donegan, Eoin Gill, Terry Maguire and Ciaran O’Sullivan.
Winning Maths Eyes posters will be exhibited nationwide in libraries, community centres and educational institutions throughout 2022.