14 March 2025
The International Day of Mathematics takes place on 14/3 every year. In the US that is written 3.14 and that is the common approximation of Pi and a celebration called “Pi Day” evolved. When it came time to have an International Celebration of Maths, Pi day seemed to be a logical choice.
There are many ideas on the IDM website with ideas for how to celebrate it. The Maths Eyes team have come up with a great competition for all schools on the island – details below.

Have You Got Maths Eyes
The creative people at Maths Eyes, Terry and Ciaran have come up with an IDM competition with several categories (primary, secondary and public) and €100 prize in each category.
Four posters are presented with interesting imagery. Your pupils just have to go to the website, pick one poster and explore it for mathematical ideas. They then suggest a tagline that illustrates the maths they see.

An Bhfuil Súile Mata Agat?
Lá Idirnáisiúnta na Matamaitice
Tá comórtas Gaeilge againn freisin. Is féidir le daltaí ó scoil ar bith dul isteach ní amháin scoileanna Gaeltachta agus scoileanna lán-Ghaeilge. Chuir COGG urraíocht ar fáil do dhearbhán ar luach €100 do bhuaiteoir gach catagóire

Maths Week Ireland
Maths Week Ireland was held on the 12th October – 20th October 2024.
Maths Week Ireland is an all-island initiative promoting positive attitudes towards maths and highlighting the importance of maths in our lives since 2006. This annual festival is a collaborative partnership of organisations including all the universities, institutes of technology, professional bodies, visitor centres and more.
Maths Week is one of four national STEM festivals: it engaged directly with over 520,00 people in 2024, making it the world’s largest maths festival.
“Maths Week is an important way to help learners, of all ages, enjoy maths and to highlight the creativity of the subject.” Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, assistant professor at UCD and science communicator.
Maths at Work
Through ‘Maths at Work’ we are hoping to shine a light on the wide range of careers that use Maths on a day to day basis. Maths is everywhere and often we treat the maths we can do as common sense, and the ones we can’t do as mathematics.
Encourage and inspire young people by becoming a role model! Help them to see the usefulness of Maths and recognise its impact on all careers and everyday life
Maths & Success
Maths Week has been a successful model evidenced by growing participation rates and positive outcomes/impacts over a series of evaluations. 85% of teachers felt participation in a Maths Week event improved their pupils’ attitude towards maths. In the Research Ireland Science in Ireland report (2015) respondents showed Maths Week with highest participation and third highest recognition (after BT Young Scientist and Science Week).

Maths Week is an important way to help learners, of all ages, enjoy maths and to highlight the creativity of the subject.

Basic maths is hugely important when it comes to success in the kitchen. There is a lot of science and maths in cooking and you can’t ignore them. Maths wouldn’t have been my favourite subject in school, but I didn’t realise how important it was at the time.

Mathematics is essential for disciplines such as science, technology, engineering and finance. However, we should also remember that mathematics promotes the ability to think rationally, analyse and solve problems, and process data clearly and accurately.