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Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Mathematics

Distinguished Irish Mathematical Educator, Professor Colm Mulcahy honoured with Maths Week Ireland Award for Exceptional Contribution to Maths Education and Outreach

 “It’s about seeing connections, solving puzzles, knowing how things work and finding a bit of magic in everyday things. It’s always a thrill to see Maths Week participants, in a class or in the street, have an Aha! moment. That makes all the hard work worthwhile.” – Professor Colm Mulcahy.

The distinguished and internationally recognised Irish mathematical educator, Professor Colm Mulcahy has been honoured as this year’s recipient of the Maths Week Ireland Award for his contribution to Raising Public Awareness of Maths.

The award, established in 2016 recognises individuals whose tireless efforts have significantly raised public awareness of mathematics, making it more accessible and engaging across the island of Ireland.

Colm Mulcahy is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Spelman College in Atlanta, Georgia, where he lectured for 32 years.

Over the course of his career, he has made an indelible mark through his innovative teaching methods, impactful writing and his “mathemagical” presentations blending maths concepts with the fun of puzzles and magic, including card tricks; earning him the online moniker ‘CardColm’, which he uses when blogging.

Professor Mulcahy has been involved with Maths Week for many years, enthusing and entertaining thousands of young people and members of the public through his love of maths at events across the island.

Maths Week Ireland is the all-island festival dedicated to celebrating maths and numeracy, supported by Taighde Éireann (Research Ireland), the Department of Education (ROI), Department for the Economy (NI), and AMD. Over 500,000 school goers and members of the public are taking part this year across the island.

Professor Mulcahy graduated in mathematical science from University College Dublin (BSc 1978, MSc 1979). He went on to study at Cornell University in the United States, obtaining a Doctorate in Mathematics in 1985.

Through multiple academic contributions he is a well-known figure in international maths circles, having authored the book Mathematical Card Magic: Fifty-Two New Effects and blogged for the Mathematical Association of America and for Scientific American.  His puzzles and writings about mathematics and mathematicians have appeared in the Guardian and the New York Times.

He is Chair of the Gathering 4 Gardner educational foundation, and the associated Celebration of Mind initiative, all inspired by the late Martin Gardner, the renowned US populariser of recreational mathematics.

Through the establishment and curation of the Annals of Irish Mathematics and Mathematicians (AIMM), he has played an essential role in preserving and promoting the rich mathematical heritage of Ireland going back 400 years. His efforts have not only highlighted the achievements of Irish mathematicians but have also served as a resource and inspiration for the next generation of scholars and educators.

AIMM issues an annual print wall calendar of Irish mathematicians and has documented over 1,000 Irish mathematics books. The publication makes a particular effort to champion the early role of women in Irish mathematics.

Professor Mulcahy is recognised for his efforts to make maths a fun and accessible subject for everyone, including young people. His outreach activities during Maths Week Ireland have been instrumental in changing perceptions of maths as a challenging subject to one that is approachable and enjoyable.

Professor Colm Mulcahy expressed his warm appreciation for the Maths Week Ireland Award saying, “I am very honoured to receive this award and extremely grateful for the recognition. Maths is a language that explains so much of the world around us: the sun, moon, planets and stars, hence the calendar and tides here on earth. That’s how it started for us humans; that and commerce.  It’s about observation, curiosity and patterns, explaining symmetries and coincidences, navigating on earth and in space, and making reliable predictions.

“Today, maths is used almost everywhere: in aviation, weather predictions, medicine, all branches of science, finance, insurance and sport. But it’s not all cut and dried calculations, like some believe.  Maths requires imagination and innovation and that is exactly what Maths Week delivers: a stage for demonstrating that maths can be really enjoyable and fun, as well as practical.

“It’s about seeing connections, solving puzzles, knowing how things work and finding a bit of magic in everyday things. It’s aways a thrill to see Maths Week participants, in a class or in the street, have an Aha! moment.  That makes all the hard work worthwhile.”

Dr.  Sheila Donegan of Maths Week Ireland congratulated Professor Mulcahy. “Colm is a shining example of enthusiasm for maths. His unwavering commitment to making maths relatable and accessible sets him apart. His work aligns perfectly with the spirit of Maths Week, making maths an enjoyable, thought-provoking and essential part of life, and we thank him for his lifelong commitment to this aim.”

The award is a Mobius  Strip handwrought in bronze by leading Dublin Silversmith Seamus Gill.

Colm Mulcahy joins an esteemed group of past awardees who have demonstrated that maths is not something to be nervous about but can be embraced as a part of daily life. His work embodies the mission of Maths Week Ireland to foster a positive attitude towards maths and its practical applications.

Maths Week is supported by Taighde Éireann (Research Ireland), the Department of Education (ROI), the Department for the Economy (NI), and AMD. The annual event is co-ordinated by Calmast, the STEM Engagement Centre at South-East Technological University (SETU).

Former Maths Week Ireland Award recipients (in reverse order):

  • Dr Terry Maguire and Ciaran O’Sullivan for their outstanding contribution to promoting maths through their innovative project “Maths Eyes.”
  • Dr Rafael De Andrade Moral, Statistics Lecturer at Maynooth University.
  • Comedian Dara Ó Briain, Host of maths-focused TV series, ‘Dara Ó Briain’s School of Hard Sums’, author of ‘Secret Science’ and ‘Beyond the Sky’ and UCD Graduate in mathematics and theoretical physics.
  • Dr Aoibhinn Ní Shúilleabháin, Assistant Professor in the School of Mathematics & Statistics University College Dublin, and former Rose of Tralee.
  • Dr Mark McCartney, Senior Lecturer in Mathematics, Ulster University, for significant contributions in promoting and recording the history of mathematics which has led to a body of important work on mathematicians (and mathematical physicists) in particular with Irish connections.
  • Tony O’Farrell and Dr. Fiacre O’Cairbre (Senior Lecturer), Maynooth University, co-founders of The Hamilton Walk in Dublin
  • Peter Lynch, columnist Irish Times, author and former Met Éireann Professor of Meteorology at the School of Mathematical Sciences, UCD.
  • Des MacHale, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, University College Cork, for his many years of promoting mathematics, in particular his work on publicising the work of George Boole.
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Have You Got Maths Eyes Award Winners

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