Team Activities

Pirate Game

Pirate Game This activity is not suitable for mobile phones. We recommend using a computer and full screen mode for a better experience. This is a long activity that mixes literacy and maths with storytelling and puzzles to solve. We recommend teachers to use it as a team activity and project it on a

2024-10-09T16:42:33+00:00|Categories: Age 08-12, Digital, English, Gaeilge, Games, Primary, Team Activity|

Vitruvian Man

Skills:Representing and interpreting data, fractions, decimals, ratio, length measuring. Resources: Measuring tape (one per two pupils), string, record table (see below). Activity: Divide pupils into groups of two. Introduce pupils to Leonardo Da Vinci’s concept of human proportions. Show them how to properly measure parts of their body using a measuring tape. Pupils, in

2024-09-09T16:05:05+00:00|Categories: Age 06-8, Age 08-12, English, Primary, Puzzles, Riddles, Team Activity|


Skills:Algebra, counting Resources: Template for patterns per pair of pupils, counting Resources Activity: Show pupils the blue and red coloured wall on the template for Activity 4 and ask “how many blue blocks do you see? How did you count them?” How many red blocks? Ask pupils “is there another way you could count

2024-08-28T08:30:47+00:00|Categories: Age 04-6, Primary, Resources, Riddles, Team Activity|


Skill: Symmetry, spatial awareness Resources: Squares( p.1)-20 per two pupils. Print the tetrominoes template on the 160 gsm paper and cut out the pieces. Glue corresponding pieces from page 3 and 4, so kids can play a complete game. Activity: Click on the activity sheet for multiple tetrominoes-related activities. Click here for

2024-08-28T08:26:34+00:00|Categories: Age 04-6, Primary, Resources, Riddles, Team Activity|

The E Puzzle

Skill: Critical Thinking Resources: Coin Puzzle game board Activity: These moving coin puzzles were popularised by the great English puzzler Henry Dudeney. They can be played with coins or counters and a grid or any objects that make two distinct sets. The aim of the E puzzle is to reverse the positions of the

2024-09-09T16:06:20+00:00|Categories: Adult, Age 12-16, English, Family, Puzzles, Secondary, Team Activity|
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