Pirate Game

Pirate Game This activity is not suitable for mobile phones. We recommend using a computer and full screen mode for a better experience. This is a long activity that mixes literacy and maths with storytelling and puzzles to solve. We recommend teachers to use it as a team activity and project it on a

2024-10-09T16:42:33+00:00|Categories: Age 08-12, Digital, English, Gaeilge, Games, Primary, Team Activity|

Ten frames

Skill: Counting, position and direction Resources: Ten blank frames for each pupil, a barrier, ten counters for each pupil Activity: Children should work in pairs and each child will need a ten frame and ten counters. They will need a barrier between both of their ten frames. Child A places some of the counters

2024-09-27T11:09:29+00:00|Categories: Age 04-6, English, Games, Primary, Puzzles|

Arrow Maze

Skill: Critical thinking Resources: The game board, cut outs for the game board Activity: Starting at the arrow in the black square, find your way to the central target. Move any distance in the direction indicated. Whenever you stop, change direction as indicated by the arrow on which you land. Note this is a

2024-09-10T12:31:54+00:00|Categories: Age 08-12, English, Games, Maze, Primary, Resources|

Jumping Maze

Skill: Critical thinking Resources: The game board, cut outs for the game board Activity: Start at the black square with the "1" on it in the centre of the bottom row. Looking at the number on the square you are standing on, you must jump this number of squares. You must jump in a

2024-09-27T14:53:10+00:00|Categories: Age 08-12, English, Games, Maze, Primary|

Digging Deep

Skills: Addition, subtraction, multiplication and division Resources: A variety of concrete resources to support pupils Activity: Give this problem to students and allow them time to explore how they need to solve the problem. Use the questions below as prompts if they are unsure what to do next. Display the problem and read it

2024-09-09T16:04:43+00:00|Categories: Age 06-8, English, Games, Primary, Puzzles, Resources|


Skills: Data, shape and space Resources: A selection of 2-D shapes, branching database template Activity: This task looks at the similarities and differences between 2-D shapes. Explain to pupils that we are going to use a branching database to sort the shapes. A branching database uses questions to help distinguish the shapes. Show pupils

2024-09-09T16:05:00+00:00|Categories: Age 06-8, English, Games, Primary, Resources, Riddles|


Skill: Transformations, perimeter, area. Resources: Squares( p.3)- 5 per student. Pentominoes (page 3) one sheet per student. Print the tetrominoes template on the 160 gsm paper. Scissors. Activity: Check the activity sheet for multiple activities on Polyminoes Click here for the PDF

2024-08-28T08:02:35+00:00|Categories: Age 12-16, Family, Games, Resources, Secondary|
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