Use Your Maths Eyes to Create a Maths Eyes Poster (Primary & Secondary) (Competition)

Maths Week in collaboration between with  TU Dublin and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Dublin West Education Centre are running a special Have you got Maths Eyes Poster competition  for schools Create a Maths Eyes style poster using a photograph taken in your  local area and add

Have you got Maths Eyes Family/Community Projects or Initiatives Competition

Maths Week in collaboration between with  TU Dublin and the National Forum for  the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education and Dublin West Education Centre are running a special Have you got Maths Eyes Family/Community competition If you are running a family or community maths eyes initiative tell us what you did, who was involved

2022-10-10T11:21:56+00:00October 16th, 2022|Categories: , , , , |Tags: , , , , |

Minister Foley joins Maths Eyes celebrations

Over 400 young people across the island of Ireland came together to open their Maths Eyes, in a competition for Maths Week which challenged participants to look at their surroundings and the world around them in a new and creative way. A final cohort of 22 shortlisted winners were selected by

2022-06-22T18:06:44+00:00June 10th, 2022|Categories: MathsWeek2021, News|Tags: , , |

2020 vision with your  Maths Eyes

Audience: Primary Teachers Description: Everyone uses mathematics in their daily life but they sometimes don't call it mathematics. For most people, the mathematics that surrounds them remains invisible and parents underestimate their mathematical abilities because they often consider the mathematics they can do as 'common sense' and the tasks they can't do as 'mathematics'. In

2020-10-14T08:21:12+00:00October 14th, 2020|Categories: , , |Tags: , , , , , |
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