Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral receives Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Maths

Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral receives Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Maths 20th October 2022: Maynooth University’s Statistics Lecturer Rafael De Andrade Moral has been honoured as this year’s recipient of the Maths Week Ireland Award for his contribution to Raising Public Awareness of Maths. The award is presented

How can I help my child deal with maths anxiety?

How can I help my child deal with Maths Anxiety? UCD are studying Maths Anxiety in Children. Success in maths depends on what we think and feel about this discipline. Of course, our cognitive abilities, such as attention, intelligence, memory and visuospatial skills and the quality of teaching, schools and resources are also

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