Maths Week Ireland Award

Maths Week Ireland Award Distinguished Mathematician Dr. Mark McCartney of Ulster University receives Maths Week Ireland Award for Raising Public Awareness of Maths The distinguished mathematician and researcher, Dr. Mark McCartney (Ulster University, Jordanstown) has been honoured as this year’s recipient of the Maths Week Ireland Award for his contribution to

2020-07-10T14:36:20+00:00|Categories: Featured, News|


"Now children" said Mrs. Wiggs, if a Boston boy planted 50 cents worth of beans in his back yard, and sold the crop for 50 dollars, what per cent profit did he make on the cost?" Send your answers to with the subject MRS WIGGS and we will give copies of Mrs. Wiggs Special

2020-07-10T14:37:28+00:00|Categories: News|

Secondary Schools

Secondary Schools "The essence of mathematics is not to make simple things complicated, but to make complicated things simple" STAN GUDDER Here you will find resources suitable for secondary school students. Use them in class as part of a maths workshop or for homework assignments. Resources will be

2024-08-20T14:44:01+00:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Primary Schools

Primary Schools "The goal of early childhood education should be to activate the child's own desire to learn." - Maria Montessori  Use these resources to encourage learning of maths and the development of problem solving strategies in early learners. As primary school aged children gain familiarity with early maths concepts, provide

2024-08-20T14:44:27+00:00|Categories: Uncategorized|

Dr Sheila Donegan named National Businesswoman of the Year in STEM

Calmast director Dr Sheila Donegan has received the Network Ireland Business Woman of the Year in the STEM Category. This is the first year that STEM has been included and the category was sponsored by Facebook. Helen Smyth of Facebook (left) and Helen Wycherley, President Network Ireland (right) present the Network Ireland Business Woman

2020-07-10T14:30:41+00:00|Categories: Featured, News|
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