Ten Frames

Counting, position and direction Resources: Ten blank frames for each pupil, a barrier, ten counters for each pupil Activity: Children should work in pairs and each child will need a ten frame and ten counters. They will need a barrier between both of their ten frames. Child A places some of the counters

2024-08-23T12:09:09+00:00|Categories: Games, Junior and infants|

Snakes and Ladders

Counting, addition, position and direction Resources: One die per pair of pupils, counters, snakes and ladders board Activity: Give each pair of pupils a die and one counter each. Each person starts on 1 and takes it in turn to roll the die and move the appropriate number of spaces. If a pupils

2024-08-23T12:07:14+00:00|Categories: Games, Junior and infants|

Picking Apples

Counting, subtraction, problem solving Resources: 10 counters per pair of pupils, ‘Picking Apples’ template Activity: Give each pair of pupils the ‘Picking Apples’ template and ten counters (apples) placed on the branches of the tree. Pupils must take it in turns to ‘pick’ either one or two apples from the tree. The person

2024-08-23T12:01:43+00:00|Categories: Age 4-6, Games, Junior and infants|

Class party

Grouping and sharing, counting Resources: Images of the juice drink, biscuit, strawberry and cupcake and images of 20 children Strands: Grouping and sharing, counting, ordinal number Activity: There are 20 children in the class. The teacher had a Halloween party and started to give out some treats. All pupils lined up and he

2024-08-23T12:04:59+00:00|Categories: Games, Junior and infants|


Grouping and sharing, counting Activity: Each pair of pupils need 14 bones and five dogs. Ask pupils to share the bones so that each dog has at least two. Change the number of bones that each dog has the next time and ask pupils to explore Click Here for the PDF

2024-08-23T12:02:01+00:00|Categories: Games, Junior and infants|
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